Feedback Form

To help me improve my service, I would appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to complete this feedback form. Simply, tick the box that bests reflects how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.

There is also provision for you to make written comment about the ceremony I have provided on your special occasion.

Your Name (optional):
Your Email (optional):

1. The Celebrant was able to provide appropriate information and helpful advice to meet your needs.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree

2. The Celebrant was able to explain and guide you through the legal requirements (where applicable) and then provide you with the resources to help you create a ceremony that met your aspirations.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree

3. The Celebrant handled your enquiries promptly and professionally.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree

4. The Celebrant was polite and courteous to you and your guests and able to facilitate your needs and those of your guests.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree

5. The Celebrant was punctual and setup well before time.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree

6. The Celebrant was well prepared.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree

7. The Celebrant was well presented.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree

8. The Celebrant provided a ceremony that met our expectations and those of our guests.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree

9. I would use the Celebrant for other ceremonies in the future.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree

10. I would highly recommend the Celebrant to my friends and family.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree

Overall how would you rate your total experience with Life Cycle Celebrant Services on this occasion?
ExcellentVery GoodGoodSatisfactoryPoorVery Poor

Any additional comments:

Are you consenting to have your comments incorporated into the Life Cycle Celebrant Services website and/or other promotional material?