“May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
The rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His Hand.”
Traditional Gaelic Blessing: (Anon)
Sadly as we reach the end of our life’s cycle, we pass through the veil and enter the next phase of our journey. Death is a door we must all pass through. For some it would seem that their life’s journey is over before it barely started, for others the journey through their life cycle is long with many twists and turns, good times and bad with sprinklings of happiness and joy as well as sadness and despair. Unfortunately, this is all part of the human condition and as much as we might like to, we are unable to escape it.
“I Listen. I Understand. I Care. I Deliver.”
Life Cycle Celebrant Services is very mindful of the grief family members, friends and acquaintances will feel at the passing of a loved one. I know that a funeral can be a time of tears, heartache, loss and anger; it can also be a time of reflection where we remember the love, the laughter and the joy of a life. The funeral service is an opportunity to say farewell to our loved one until we make that journey ourselves and reunite with those who have gone ahead to prepare for our eventual arrival. Life Cycle Celebrant Services is committed to ensuring that every funeral service we prepare is one that is respectful to the life of the deceased, designed to celebrate their life and to comfort those left behind.
I will be honoured to be with you at your time of grief and are prepared to meet with you to discuss your needs at a time and place when you are available.
I will prepare a service in line with your loved one’s beliefs and philosophies whether they are religious, semi-religious or non-religious. I will incorporate your ideas and requests. I encourage the input and involvement of family members and special people in your loved one’s life. If a member of the family would like to prepare and deliver the Eulogy I will gladly accommodate that. If needed, I will help in its preparation so that the funeral service will be a perfect celebration of your loved one’s life.